Is Shockwave Therapy a Revolutionary Treatment For Knee Pain?

Many people around the world suffer from knee pain. Some are athletes sidelined from training, whereas others are simply ordinary people trying to get by. Whichever camp you fall into, it is possible that you could benefit from a relatively new form of knee pain treatment: shockwave therapy. What is Shockwave Knee Pain Treatment? During shockwave therapy, a doctor or technician passes pressure waves through the body to stimulate joints and the muscles that surround them. [Read More]

Three Everyday Signs That Can Be The First Indicators Of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is often thought of as something that only affects those in their senior years, but that is not strictly speaking true. Tens of thousands of Australians under the age of 65 suffer from varying levels of hearing loss, and there are many more out there who probably do but have not gotten themselves checked out. There are many modern solutions to hearing loss, and hearing aids are better now than they ever were and also come in many sizes and options to fit your lifestyle. [Read More]

3 Things to Know About Vascular Ultrasound

Vascular ultrasound is a non-invasive medical examination that helps evaluate veins and arteries. The test is useful in detecting underlying problems in blood vessels located in the arms, legs, neck and abdomen. The diagnostic imaging procedure uses high-frequency sound waves to determine blood circulation in the body. Read on to learn more about vascular ultrasounds. How it Works During a vascular ultrasound examination, sound waves from an ultrasound machine penetrate body tissues being analysed. [Read More]

Why You Should Be on the Lookout for Signs of Melanoma

Australia is one of the sunniest places on earth, and that represents a significant risk to residents and visitors. It's never a good idea to go out in the midday sun without some form of skin protection, but it's almost impossible to avoid any exposure whatsoever. With this in mind, it's even more important to carry out a self-check from time to time and to examine your entire body in the mirror. [Read More]