Looking after your sexual health

Having sex can be a fantastic way to have fun and physically illustrate your love for your partner. However, as we're ideally taught early on, sexual intercourse does carry some risks. The rate of sexual transmitted infections, commonly known as STIs, continue to remain high in Australia, with many people being diagnosed with common diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and others, as well as more serious diseases like HIV, every year. [Read More]

Five Signs You May Need a Hearing Aid

According to the Australian Network on Disability, 1 in 6 Australians are affected by hearing loss. Hearing loss can creep up on people with a decline so gradual its increments are difficult to recognise. Being aware of hearing loss and being fitted with the appropriate hearing aids can drastically improve the quality of life of someone with difficulty hearing. To help you recognise hearing loss, here are five signs that could signal that you may be in need of a hearing aid. [Read More]

Tips On Bathing and Showering Following Hip Replacement Surgery

Your orthopaedic surgeons will give you advice on how to look after your new hip following hip replacement surgery, but you may still be concerned about looking after yourself once you get home from hospital.  For instance, how can you go about taking a bath or shower safely?  Read on for some helpful advice. If you have to use a bath tub for bathing and washing, you will need to have someone to help you. [Read More]

What You Need to Do After the First Stage of a Dental Implant

Dental implants are a remarkable way to replace missing teeth, but it's important to remember that the process is not immediate. The actual implant is a small screw, generally made of titanium (due to the material's biocompatible nature). This screw is implanted into your jaw bone, and then a process known as osseointegration takes place. This is when your jaw bone essentially fuses to the titanium screw to secure it into place. [Read More]