Think Your Child Needs Braces? Here's What You Need to Know

Dental braces are often recommended to correct the alignment of a child's teeth. However, braces aren't merely for attaining a perfectly straight smile. They can support the crown of a tooth, relieve jaw pain, improve speech development, enhance the ability to chew and improve oral hygiene. Signs to Look Out For Here are a few general signs that indicate your child may require braces: Difficulty chewing Crowded or misplaced teeth Jaw clicking or pain Early loss of baby teeth 5 Common Reasons Children Require Braces [Read More]

Children With Sleep Apnoea - Three Things Every Mother Should Know

Does your child seem more tired than normal? When you check on them at night are they snoring quite loudly? It is probable that your child is suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA.) As a mum, it is important that you know about this dangerous condition, so here are three of the most important questions answered. What Is Sleep Apnoea? Sleep apnoea can show itself in a number of different ways in your child. [Read More]